Friday, May 23, 2008

Indiana Jones

[**Note** This was originally written a month or so ago and never posted. I don't know what happened. Oh well, here it is for you to read now.


Howdy all!

In the last few weeks it looks like I have had more people come read my site than ever before - and I know it wasn't just me refreshing the page this time! Nice...

OK, so I went out to see the new Indiana Jones movie last night, and I have to say that I was pretty impressed with it. The action was good, the puzzles were interesting, and the story was interesting. So, if you are paying attention, you may get that I am being less than totally enthusiastic. Yes, it was a good movie, but it wasn't the show to end all shows, really. As a standalone work of art, it was quite good and would likely have many repeat watchers. But as a part of the legendary Indiana Jones series, it doesn't quite step up to the plate as much as a lot of people were likely hoping it would.

I won't get into the movie's plot or anything so as not to give it away, but there are some interesting little "hats-off" moments to the previous movies (and some previous work by Lucas - "I've got a bad feeling about this!"), such as the warehouse that you see at the beginning of the movie, and a brief shot of one of the items that is being held there (again, I am not going to say too much, so you may or may not figure it out). The one thing I found that did take away from it, a bit, was the fact that the bad guys were Russians now, not Nazis. Sure, Soviet Communists were scary in their time, but they don't seem as intimdating in this movie as the Nazis had in the previous ones. Maybe that's just me.

Shia LeBoeuf was actually pretty good in this movie.

Anyway, in ranking the movies, I would put Raiders at #1 by far, Last Crusade 2nd, and Kingom of the Crystal Skull a very close 3rd (very very close). I won't even talk about the other one. I've only seen it once, if that is any indication of how I feel about it... but it is certainly a distant 4th in the ... Quadrology? Extended Trilogy? The Saga, let's say.

And while there were no final endings, there was no specific hint of another followup either.



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