Monday, April 21, 2008

Battlestar Galactica shockers! ***SPOILER ALERT***

So I watched those 2 episodes of BSG this weekend, and then got the 3rd ep which I watched just today. If you haven't seen them and don't want to know what's going on, read no further, please...

OK, onto my thoughts:

OMFG!!!! I think I wet myself...

OK, so let's start with some of the early things that everyone has long wondered.

Some of the stuff about Kara just doesn't make sense. There's all this chatter on various BSG forums where she (Katee Sackhoff) has claimed that the venerable Ronald Moore has no less than come out and told her she (Kara Thrace) is not a cylon. Yet, she (Kara Thrace) believes, after a two month hiatus, that she has been gone for around 6 hours, despite the fact that she has apparently instantly transported to and from Earth that quickly, in a brand new Viper that looks like it is straight out of the factory. The whole idea of her being able to "feel" the way back and all of that is odd, to say the least, but there has always been something a little different about Starbuck. Something a little more than human, but certainly not cylon.

I did think that Adama letting her take a ship and crew and try to find the way back was a little odd, but it was an obvious direction of the plotline - it had to go somwhere so that they could resolve that whole issue of her impending madness. And, of course, the media getting hold of it weeks later was kind of hard to believe since it seems that when a sewage treatment vessel goes missing, someone would be swimming in shTuff, and it would seem pretty obvious that the sewage treatment vessel is no longer helping out... But that makes sense to me, maybe not to everyone...

Anyway, I think that Gaeta is going to lose it and try to kill her, and then Anders is going to end up taking him out and accounting it to an accident... Or to suicide (*OK, so that's not terribly original, considering...) Then again, Anders may end up losing it too, and I have this strange feeling he is going to out himself to Kara at some point, and Thrace is gonna pop the toaster/skinjob.

I do like the character of Tom Zarek, and the way he has turned from a badass activist to a political pot-stirrer. For a while, I thought he was going to turn "good" (that whole saving of Roslyn and all), which just didn't seem right, but then he came back full force as the vice-president, and reversed engines to stir the pot and actually get the process of democracy back in action. And now he has Apollo - an all-too-willing candidate - to take his causes up for him and make himself look bad while Zarek appears to be the president's right-hand.

It was funny as well, that when he mentions how the President doesn't actually like him, he didn't say that old addage (though I think someone may have said it at one point about this particular relationship): Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer. Yet, as close as he is to the President and under her eye, he still manages to manipulate her through others. Classic!

Now, the plot-line that has the Cavils and the Sixes, basically, battling each other, was something I didn't expect, but it does make for an interesting side story. First, that the Cavils feel the Raider's need to be lobotomized because they are thinking too autonomously was not entirely shocking, especially considering what they did that seemed out of the ordinary to him. But it still makes me wonder, if a Raider knows one of the Final Five, how come the other 7 don't? If Raider's are simply tools, why would they even be programmed with the knowedge of the Final Five, who are not to even be thought of by the main 7, let alone be able to recognize one of them? And then, being tools and non-autonomous machines, why would they call off the attack themselves, instead of requesting permission to disengage? It is all very strange, but very interesting as well.

However, I agree with Cavil's comment that Six has opened up a real can of worms by removing the personality supression chip from the Centurions. That fact became quite clear when she told a Centurion to escort Cavil from the ship and it paused until she said please.

Then, however, when they made that plan to jump elsewhere with the Resurrection ship to reinstate the D'Anna line, and it turned out to be a plan to destroy the Sixes, Leobens and Sharons, it was quite a shock. Interesting that Brother Cavil, who appeared at one time to be somewhat a spiritual leader of the cylons would say to Sharon - who was obviously distressed at the final deaths of her "sisters" and the others, at least clinging to the hope that their souls would continue on even after their deaths - that cylons don't have souls; they are just machines.

An analysis of the first three episodes, of course would not be complete without mention of Baltar's new status as the Jesus Christ of the Colonial Fleet. It's interesting that he is preaching the cylon's belief of one God instead of a pantheon as the Colonials believe, and that there are others who are following this worship and even seeing him as some sort of saviour. His prayer to save the child was heartfelt, however (I know he's just an actor playing a part, but I was feeling it!), and that only added to the whole Jesus idea as I was watching it. It was as though he truly wanted to repent for his sins and allow the child to live, and he was certainly prepared to die. This, of course, will only lend further credence to his legend and it won't be long before he is being hailed as a religious hero. And when he is assassinated, he will be a martyr and live on forever.

Of course, him talking to himself instead of to Subconcious Six was a little strange, as they spoke of him wanting to get it on with Tory. I don't quite get where that is going, but it is a bit of an interesting change in things.

But, the most shocking part of all was the storyline around Callee and the Chief. You could see that she was losing it, and of course, we all remember the love-hate relationship they have had with each other for so long now. I do find it interesting that no-one has really picked up on the fact that Nicky (the baby, not the actress playing Callee) is another hybrid. You would think that one of the Final Five would have picked up on that somehow.

I was curious to see what would happen when Callee decided to just bust the three she now know are cylons, but I guess I should have seen that she would lose it, being on anti-depressants and such, and would attempt to take her own life. I thought, at first, that she was just going to get rid of Nicky, knowing what he was with Galen being a cylon. Then I saw she intended to kill herself as well, and for a moment, I thought she would take Tory out with her. But as soon as Tory asked her to hand over Nicky, I knew that was it, and Tory was going to try to kill her. I seriously thought that someone would stop her, though, and I was deeply shocked and saddened by the brutal and sudden death of Callee as she was blown out the launch tube... *RIP Callee Tyrol* *sniffle*

So, having seen all of that, I am most interested to know what will happen next. Kara can't take too long to find Earth (but she will and will test the limits of the patience of her crew); Baltar will get cocky and likely become a powerful figure, or a martyr - I predict the latter, however; Apollo will become Zarek's whipping boy, and willingly so; the President will begin to lose her power and her influence at Zarek's direction; the cylon's are going to enter a period of civil war, and it's going to be a frakking mess, if there are any Sixes, Leoben's and Sharon's left anywhere to take up the fight once the massacre is revealed.


That is all for today...


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